#!/usr/local/bin/perl #Web Analyze Ver 3.05 (2006/05/11) # #Copyright(C) 2002-2006 Knight, All rights reserved. #Mail ... support@web-liberty.net #Home ... http://www.web-liberty.net/ #――――― 初期処理 ―――――――――――――――――――――――― package main; use strict; use lib qw(./lib); use webliberty::Basis; use webliberty::String; use webliberty::Host; use webliberty::Cookie; use webliberty::Lock; use webliberty::Script; require './init.cgi'; #――――― メイン処理 ――――――――――――――――――――――― my $init = &init::get_init; my $query = &decode; ®ist; &result; exit; #――――― サブルーチン ―――――――――――――――――――――― ### デコード sub decode { my($url, $screen, $color, $referer); if ($init->{download_mode} != 0 and ${$init->{download_file}}{"$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}"} ne '') { $url = ${$init->{download_file}}{"$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}"}; $screen = ''; $color = ''; $referer = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; } else { ($screen, $color, $referer) = split(/&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}, 3); $referer =~ tr/+/ /; $referer =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack('C', hex($1))/eg; if ($referer =~ /[^\w\.\~\-\/\?\&\#\+\=\:\;\@\%]+/) { require Jcode; my $jcode_ins = new Jcode($referer); $referer = $jcode_ins->utf8; } } foreach ($screen, $color, $referer) { $_ =~ s/&/&/g; $_ =~ s//>/g; $_ =~ s/"/"/g; } my $query; $query->{url} = $url; $query->{screen} = $screen; $query->{color} = $color; $query->{referer} = $referer; return $query; } ### データ記録 sub regist { my $url_ins = new webliberty::String($query->{url}); my $referer_ins = new webliberty::String($query->{referer}); my $screen_ins = new webliberty::String($query->{screen}); my $color_ins = new webliberty::String($query->{color}); #特定のアクセスを除外 foreach (@{$init->{except_referer}}) { if ($_ and $referer_ins->get_string eq $_) { return; } } if (!$init->{multi_mode}) { foreach (@{$init->{self_url}}) { if ($_ and $referer_ins->get_string =~ /$_/) { return; } } } my($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year) = localtime(time); my $log_name = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $day); my($cookie_id, $cookie_count, $cookie_last, $cookie_ins, $online_ins); #Cookie取得 if ($init->{cookie_mode}) { $cookie_ins = new webliberty::Cookie($init->{cookie_id}); $online_ins = new webliberty::Cookie($init->{cookie_id} . '_online'); if ($cookie_ins->get_cookie('id')) { foreach (@{$init->{except_id}}) { if ($_ and $cookie_ins->get_cookie('id') eq $_) { return; } } $cookie_id = $cookie_ins->get_cookie('id'); $cookie_count = $cookie_ins->get_cookie('count'); $cookie_last = $cookie_ins->get_cookie('last'); if (time - $online_ins->get_cookie('id') < $init->{session_time} * 60) { $cookie_count = ''; $cookie_last = ''; } else { if ($cookie_count) { $cookie_count++; } else { $cookie_count = 1; } } } else { $cookie_id = substr(crypt(time, pack('CC', int(rand(26) + 65), int(rand(10) + 48))), 0, 5) . time; $cookie_count = 1; $cookie_last = ''; } } else { $cookie_id = ''; $cookie_count = ''; $cookie_last = ''; } my($page_url, $js_flag); if ($init->{download_mode} != 0 and $url_ins->get_string) { $page_url = $url_ins->get_string; $js_flag = 0; } elsif ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) { $page_url = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; $js_flag = 1; } else { $page_url = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; $js_flag = 0; } my $host_ins = new webliberty::Host; #特定のホストを除外 foreach (@{$init->{except_host}}) { if ($_ and $host_ins->get_host =~ /$_/) { return; } } my $lock_ins = new webliberty::Lock($init->{lock_file}); if (!$lock_ins->file_lock) { die 'Now Locking'; } #アクセスログ記録 if (open(FILE, ">>$init->{logs_dir}$log_name\.$init->{logs_ext}")) { print FILE time . "\t$page_url\t" . $referer_ins->get_string . "\t$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}\t" . $host_ins->get_host . "\t$js_flag\t" . $screen_ins->get_string . "\t" . $color_ins->get_string . "\t$cookie_id\t$cookie_count\t$cookie_last\n"; close(FILE); } else { die "Write Error : $init->{logs_dir}$log_name\.$init->{logs_ext}"; } my $i; #古いログを削除 opendir(DIR, "$init->{logs_dir}") or die "Read Error : $init->{logs_dir}"; foreach (sort { $b <=> $a } readdir(DIR)) { if ($_ =~ /^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)\.$init->{logs_ext}$/ and $i++ >= $init->{save_days}) { unlink("$init->{logs_dir}$_"); } } closedir(DIR); #アクセス数記録 if ($init->{count_mode}) { &countup; } $lock_ins->file_unlock; #Cookie記録 if ($init->{cookie_mode}) { $cookie_ins->set_holddays($init->{cookie_holdday}); $cookie_ins->set_cookie( id => $cookie_id, count => $cookie_count, last => time ); $online_ins->set_cookie( id => time ); } return; } ### アクセス数記録 sub countup { open(FH, $init->{count_file}) or die "Read Error : $init->{count_file}"; my $data = ; close(FH); my($count, $today, $yesterday, $key, $host) = split(/\t/, $data); my($sec, $min, $hour, $day) = localtime(time); my $host_ins = new webliberty::Host; if ($key == $day) { if ($host_ins->get_host eq $host) { return; } else { $today++; } } else { $yesterday = $today; $today = 1; } $count++; open(FILE, ">$init->{count_file}") or die "Write Error : $init->{count_file}"; print FILE "$count\t$today\t$yesterday\t$day\t" . $host_ins->get_host; close(FILE); my $script_ins = new webliberty::Script; my($flag, $message); ($flag, $message) = $script_ins->create_jscript( file => $init->{js_count_file}, contents => $count ); if (!$flag) { die $message; } ($flag, $message) = $script_ins->create_jscript( file => $init->{js_today_file}, contents => $today ); if (!$flag) { die $message; } ($flag, $message) = $script_ins->create_jscript( file => $init->{js_yesterday_file}, contents => $yesterday ); if (!$flag) { die $message; } return; } ### 結果画面表示 sub result { if ($init->{download_mode} != 0 and $query->{url}) { if ($init->{download_mode} == 1) { if ($ENV{'PERLXS'} eq 'PerlIS') { print "HTTP/1.0 302 Temporary Redirection\r\n"; print "Content-type: text/html\n"; } print "Location: $query->{url}\n\n"; } else { my $basis_ins = new webliberty::Basis; print $basis_ins->header; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "ファイルのダウンロード\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "


\n"; print "


\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } } else { ℑ } return; } ### ダミー画像出力 sub image { my @dammy = ( '47','49','46','38','39','61','02','00','02','00','80','00','00','00','00', '00','ff','ff','ff','21','f9','04','01','00','00','01','00','2c','00','00', '00','00','02','00','02','00','00','02','02','8c','53','00','3b' ); print "Content-type: image/gif\n\n"; foreach (@dammy) { print pack('C*', hex($_)); } return; }